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Thank You

As we approach 2014 and going into my third year at YogaJoy Studio, I wish to send a huge and heartfelt thank you to everyone who has crossed the threshold at my little shop! No matter what chaos or discomfort arises in my life, the moment I go into 395 Derby Road, my mind and my heart become one and I hope to help others do the same. I love this quote from Pema Chodron’s book When Things Fall Apart. “One piece of advice that Don Juan gave to Carlos Casteneda was to ‘Do everything as if it were the only thing in the world that mattered, while all the time knowing that it doesn’t matter at all”. This is my mantra for 2014.

Thank you everyone for joining and sharing in our yoga community.

“Lovers gather and give each other shade, relief from the direct sun. Stay closeby that community. Be shade with them, until you yourself are full of light like the moon, then like the sun.”

…….from BIRDSONG by RUMI

Om Shanti, Joyce

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