There is a lot of Information and concern circulating about the dangers of Covid-19 and there seems to be a fine line between panic and caution. What we know is that this virus is highly contagious and like the flu virus, it is transmitted from person to person through respiration, touching objects by those that are contagious and then touching your nose, mouth or eyes. We have not had any reported cases in Niagara however as your teacher and custodian of our yoga space I am applying the following protocols effective March 15. Expect this to be our norm for the next two to three months.
Avoid the hand shakes and hugs. The most hygienic form of greeting is Namaste.
Please buy a mat strap or yoga bag in order to transport your personal mat to the studio. The mat storage space will be unavailable for now.
Community props will be off limits. Please purchase and bring your own block, belt, blankets to practice. We will offer a lending service. If you cannot or choose not to purchase personal yoga gear you will be able to sign out articles to be returned once this blows through.
Wash your mat weekly. Scrub with castile soap and hang to dry.
Please stay home if you are feeling unwell.
You know this: Follow good general hygiene practices and wash your hands regularly. We will do our best at the studio to keep surfaces and handles sanitized.
The following paragraph is quoted from vpk by Maharishi Ayurveda:
"Try to stay healthy and balanced. A balanced body and immune system respond in a balanced manner to any illness. An unbalanced system does not. There is a profound adage in Ayurveda that disease is not caused by germs, bacteria, or viruses, rather disease is precipitated by these pathogens in a susceptible host. To the extent you can control your life and lifestyle, do not be a susceptible host. Get good rest, go to bed early, eat healthy food, follow a regular routine and reduce stressful activities."
Thank you dear yogis for your flexibility during the next few months. It is my intention to continue to provide a safe and welcome space for everyone to practice.
"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Charles Darwin