Hello to everyone:
I hope this lovely September finds you all in fine form. Thank you to everyone who came out in many types of weather to salute the sunrise at Crystal Beach. See you next year on the sand.
There will be changes to the yoga schedule starting on Monday, September 9th. There is a new Level I class on Mondays at 9:30 a.m. which will be taught by Elly Riemland, RYT. The afternoon classes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday have all been moved to 5:00 p.m. The Tuesday 7:30 evening class has been moved to Monday evening at 6:00. Thursday Level 3 class is cancelled and being replaced by a Meditation class. This is an opportunity to join in a Sangha – a community of people practicing mindful living together in order to bring about and maintain awareness. Our group will be practicing in the Plum Village tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. You do not need to be a Buddhist to participate. Just being human will do. If you have a sincere interest in this please contact me so that I can forward a practice handbook.
Please check class schedule page for changes.
There will also be a PIYO class added to the schedule with time and day to be determined.
The next workshop will be on Wednesday, September 18th @ 7:00 pm. “Tree Essences and Sprays for Emotional Well Being”. I will send details as these become available.
Reflexology is also now available at the studio.
My sincere thanks to all of you who have supported Yoga Joy Studio. There is a saying that if you work at what you love, it is no longer “work”. Thank you all for letting me “work” with you.
“Supported by the Sangha Body My practice flows easier, Allowing me to swiftly realize My great determination to love and understand all beings.”
……Thich Nhat Hanh
In Strength and Spirit, Joyce Senese