As you can see, we at YogaJoy are busy with some new clients and it may take a whole year to get these guys in shape both physically and mentally for Christmas 2016! Some of them look a little skeptical. I hope they stay on their mats. I also hope that your holiday season was filled with happy times and now that the decorations and gifts are put away you may be thinking that, like Santa Claus, it is time to get back into the groove.

Happy Anniversary to YogaJoy! Today marks the fourth anniversay of YogaJoy and I almost forgot! My aspiration has always been to offer the teachings of yoga to everyone and I am so delighted and appreciative of the support that you have given to me. No party year on the fifth anniversary! Class Cancellation There has been a change to the class schedule. Tuesday 9:30 a.m. class is cancelled for now. Ashley is now teaching the Tuesday 7:00 p.m.Restorative Yoga. A really good place for beginners to experience the calming and relaxing result of yoga practice. Please come! All classes continue to be drop-in however if you register on-line through the website, a space will be reserved for you and you won't be right at the front of the class (unless you want to be). No snow days yet but if in doubt when the weather is rough, please check your email or Faceback as I will announce if a class needs to be cancelled. Specialty Workshops We will be offering a workshop each month in 2016 and the first one will be a Couples/Partner Yoga Class. Details to follow. In closing, I hope that you keep well and do things every day that you love. Keep an open heart and a flexible mind. Cultivate courage, caring and joy. People like us can make a difference! Om Shanti, Joyce